Friday, January 29, 2010

My Worlds Collide

I had an opportunity to share a story about my early mommy years HERE at Cedar Fort Publishing's Mommy Blog operated by Gillian Mohlman. I'm inviting all of you to check it out, and if you want to contact her about sharing your own mommy stories--she'd love to hear them. Thanks Gillian!


Rebecca Irvine said...

Annette's list was so good. A lot of writers out there would benefit from reading her blog entry. Personally, I wish publisher would do a better job of communicating to authors where their book is in the overall process. Too often we are playing the blind waiting game.

Cheri Chesley said...

That's true. I signed a contract for a book in 2007 and after a year found out they hadn't done anything. There was other stuff going on, but it would have been nice to have some kind of update. I guess with smaller publishers this would be easier because they work with fewer authors. There's lots of room for improvement in the publishing world.