Friday, April 9, 2010

H is for...

lots of things.

I turned to the dictionary, one of my favorite books. At a loss for my H post, I thought I'd play around a little.

A haboob, for instance, is a violent sandstorm. (No, I am not making this up)

A hake is a hook from the shape of the jaw.

A hallux is the first toe on either of the hind legs of a terrestrial vertebrate.

I adore the dictionary. I am a lover or words. But it comes with risks. For instance, I can't eat marshmallows anymore. Look it up, if you dare.

In addition to my many dictionaries, various sizes and colors, I also have several Thesauri. Which I suppose is the plural of Thesaurus. Seriously, I love words. Lots.

Heave-ho is actually in the dictionary. Huh.

As are head start, headpiece, heavy breathing and hectare.

So, now you know one of my dirty little secrets. Dictionaries. Thesauri. Sigh. Words. Books. As you may have guessed, I'm a reader as well as a writer. :)


Wanda said...

You've definitely added to my list of H-words. Keep up the good work.

Kelly said...

Haha, awesome H post, right in the spirit of the theme.

Mel Chesley said...

Huh, I didn't know that about hallux. Learn something new every day. I like marshmallows, so I think I will stray from the definition, thanks. :D Great H post!

Grammy said...

Good post as usual. I am certainly learning a lot of good stuff. Keep it up, friend!

Beth Zimmerman said...

Heavenly H Post! :)

Raquel Byrnes said...

That is so funny. I absolutely have to write a scene with a haboob now, just to say it legitimately.

Lisa said...

Love the dictionary and thesaurus, too. What would we do without them?

Ella said...

They say( i know who is they) the best writers are the ones who read, a lot! Great post; but I'm scared to look up marshmallows~ lol

tooleftfeeet said...

hate hate hate marshmallows unless they're burnt on a roaring fire...haboob...funny word....sounds like something 3rd graders would giggle about.