Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Editing Life

Okay, my darlings, sometimes we have to do a little editing of real life.

More details will come shortly, but, in the mean time, I thought I'd share some excellent news. Yesterday, Monday, I noticed one of the people I follow on Twitter had shared a link about me and my book. This LINK, specifically.

This person, @SuccessBooks, has 33,380 followers. So their post on twitwall.com about my book was sent out to over 33k people. That is an amazing blessing. Of course, I said thank you. :) What else would I do?

You just never know what will come of the networking you do to promote yourself, your books, or your projects. This is a great lesson to keep at it--whatever it happens to be.

And, if you happen to be an author with a book to promote, I suggest you follow @SuccessBooks on Twitter. It couldn't hurt. :)


Shanda said...

I read that yesterday- Congratulations! I can't wait to get my hands on The Peasant Queen. Mindy absolutely loved it and will posting a review soon!

Shanda :)

Unknown said...

Good news! Makes it feel worthwhile to spend all that time connecting when these little surprises come along.

kbrebes said...

That's a fantastic blessing! I LOVE your new background!

J.L. Campbell said...

Definitely an example of why it's important to network and form friendships.

J E Fritz said...

Wow! Congratulations!

Anyway, I'm giving away a blog award to cool new blogs I've found to follow. Hope you'll be interested. I really like your blog.