You're looking at a copy of MATCHED by Ally Condie, THE SCORCH TRIALS (autographed) and the audio version of the 2nd 13TH REALITY book--both by James Dashner, THE AMARANTH ENCHANTMENT and SECONDHAND CHARM, by Julie Berry (both autographed), and two fun and pretty hardbound journals from Barnes and Noble.
If that's not enough, each Saturday in February--the 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th--I will draw a name from everyone who has posted on my reviews that week, and the winner will receive a free, signed copy of THE PEASANT QUEEN.

All the reviews posted in January will count in the drawing for Feb 5th, so make sure to get clicking and comment on those reviews!
I'm going to make this super easy for everyone. I will post each review on the sidebar of my blog in the Tour section. If you'll notice, there are already a few in there. And, I will click each review and tally up comments for the drawings.
Where do you come in, you may ask?
All you need to do is comment on each review my blogging friends post about my book. Each comment is an entry in the drawing, and all entries will count in the grand prize drawing I'll do March 1st. You'll get a bonus entry if you also start following that reviewer's blog. It's that simple.
So, get clicking!
Not sure how to do this, I've never posted on a blog before, just facebook. Anyway, I am looking forward to reading your book!
Wishing you lots of success with both the sales and the tour.
Good luck with all of this. I haven't stopped by for a while. Your blog page looks great and loads very quickly (thank you!).
Just wanted to give you a heads up on the upcoming Blogging From A to Z April Challenge for 2011. Click on the link below to read more.
Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011
Good luck with your goals:)
Cheri, what an exciting ride this is going to be. I'm SO honored to be a part of this!
The best of luck and hold down those flutterbees in your tummy!
Have a fabulous weekend!
♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥
Good luck on your tour!
I'd love to win a copy of your book. It sounds great. Good luck with your blog tour.
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