Monday, July 22, 2013

Lost Princess Name Contest Winner

Last week I posted a naming contest for a character in The Lost Princess.  It's funny because I posted the contest on Facebook, and in my post I mentioned having done these types of contests on FB before, and it turns out the winner posted on my FB link to the contest.

The winning name is: Lessa. I was able to narrow it down to the 5 names and then did two drawings where I eliminated all but one name. Lessa won out!

Because I'm busy writing this week I'm going to make this post short and simply cut to the chase.
 And the winner is

Debbie Korous!!

 Congratulations, Debbie! Email me at Cheriwrites (at) yahoo (dot) com and get me your address. You will receive one of the first copies of The Lost Princess just as soon as I get the shipment (no later than November 30, 2013)!

Thank you to everyone who submitted!

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